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Services We Fund

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) funds a wide range of services to support the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan.

To understand the OPCC’s approach to commissioning it is important to set the context in which we work. There are a number of factors that influence how PCCs commission services and the decisions taken. The latest PCC Commissioning Strategy Document provides more details on the considered factors and process.

OPCC commissioned services for 2024/25

2024/25 Police and Crime Grants

The OPCC provided Police and Crime Grants worth £739,641 to local CSPs for 2024/25:

Bath and North East Somerset – £68,025 Police and Crime Grant

  • contribution towards IDVA provision
  • contribution towards Project 28 (young people’s drug and alcohol services),
  • contribution towards Compass Crime Prevention (part of BANES Youth Offending Service),
  • demand led contribution to Domestic Homicide Reviews.

Bristol – £267,019 Police and Crime Grant

  • TBC

North Somerset – £89,029 Police and Crime Grant

  • Contribution to domestic abuse services including IDVAs.
  • Youth Inclusion Project (interventions for young people that have committed crime or ASB).
  • Young People’s Substance Advice Service interventions provided by the North Somerset Youth Offending Service.
  • tackling crime types and locations of particular concern with the Community Safety Patrol Team.

Somerset – £220,784 Police and Crime Grant

  • Communications function
  • Offender Accommodation
  • Jump Start
  • Partnership Officer
  • Community Safety Partnership Training Coordinator
  • Sexual Violence Counselling Services
  • Contribution to Domestic Homicide Reviews

NOTE: £16,852 of the above is funded by a carry forward from 2023/24

South Gloucestershire – £94,784 Police and Crime Grant

  • TBC
2024/25 Reducing Reoffending Funding

For more detail on Reducing Reoffending please visit the Reducing Reoffending page.

Drive Project – South Gloucestershire, Bristol and North Somerset

  • Responding to Perpetrators of Domestic Abuse (Cranstoun), SafeLives and IDVA Uplift (Next Link): 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2025 Home Office grant agreement. Total Home Office funding available £1,230,500 + £246,000 partner funding available.


Local Integration of Women’s Services

  • Nelsons Trust – Grant agreement runs from 24th February 2023 – 31st March 2025. MoJ funded – total funding available £297,045.

Men and Masculinities Pilot

  • South Gloucestershire Council – Grant agreement runs from 31st March 2024 – 31st March 2025 (delivered by Cranstoun). Funded from PCC Reserve £16,815.
2024/25 Serious Violence Funding

Violence Reduction Partnerships (VRPs)

For more detail on the VRPs please visit the VRU page of the website Avon and Somerset Violence Reduction Unit | OPCC for Avon and Somerset (

  • Bath and North East Somerset: £112,503 + £21,942.80  Serious Violence Duty Funding. This is Home Office funding
  • Bristol: Grant agreement value: £389,947 + £21,942.80 Serious Violence Duty Funding. This is Home Office funding
  • North Somerset: £136,178 + £21,942.80  Serious Violence Duty Funding. This is Home Office funding
  • Somerset: £365,582 + £21,942.80  Serious Violence Duty Funding. This is Home Office funding
  • South Gloucestershire: Grant agreement value: £155,790 + £21,942.80 Serious Violence Duty Funding. This is Home Office funding
  • Centrally retained/unallocated (pending VRP Review) budget: £318,356 + £15,000  Serious Violence Duty funding. Centrally retained for staffing, recruitment and training.



2024/25 Victim Services
  • Lighthouse Integrated Victim and Witness Care (Avon and Somerset Police): A practical and emotional support service for witnesses including guidance through the criminal justice system offered by specially trained staff. £906,000 per annum contribution from OPCC with the rest of the funding being provided by the Constabulary.

Victim Services Commissioning Contracts 2019/20 – 2023/24 +1 +1 year (services funded by MoJ Grant and OPCC funding)

Contract value: £344,053 p.a

Contract value: £267,678 p.a

Contract value: £173,250 p.a

Contract value: £438,034 p.a. This includes £128,139 funding from NHSE.

Contract value: £187,950 p.a

Other Victim Services Funding

Contract value: Commissioned by NHS England, OPCC co-commissioner contribution £247,000 p.a.

Grant agreement value: £41,901.95

  • SAAS Therapies Service (NHSE is the lead commissioner): PCC contribution £132,248
  • Exploitation Services (led by Local Authorities – OPCC annual contributions listed below):
    • Bath and North East Somerset Council £29,327
    • Bristol City Council £76,249
    • North Somerset Council £30,000
    • Somerset Council £73,317
    • South Gloucestershire Council £29,327

2023/2024 DA/SV Uplift Funding

In 2025/25 a number of victim services received additional funding from the Ministry of Justice to further support victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence:


  • 1625ip: Annual Grant Agreement Value £19,950
  • Advocacy After Fatal Domestic Abuse (AAFDA): Annual Grant Agreement Value £16,537.50
  • Kinergy: Annual Grant Agreement Value £37,800
  • Man Kind: Annual Grant Agreement Value £8,400
  • Nelson Trust: Annual Grant Agreement Value £19,950
  • NextLink/SafeLink: Annual Grant Agreement Value £54,203.52
  • Young Victims’ Service (North Somerset YOS): Annual Value £47,250
  • Opoka: Annual Grant Agreement Value £19,425
  • Voluntary Action North Somerset (VANS) – Reclaim: Annual Grant Agreement Value £39,900
  • Southmead Project: Annual Grant Agreement Value £30,377.87
  • Southside Family Project: Annual Grant Agreement Value £22,727.25
  • The Green House/ Somerset Phoenix Project: Annual Grant Agreement Value £67,357.92
  • Trauma Breakthrough: Annual Grant Agreement Value £21,000
  • Victim Support: Annual Value £20,605.72
  • VOICES: Annual Grant Agreement Value £21,000
  • Woman Kind: Annual Grant Agreement Value £24,102.75
  • SARSAS: Annual Grant Agreement Value £44,625

In 2024/25 Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) and Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) Uplift from the Ministry of Justice. The below also includes a 5% inflationary uplift from the OPCC funded from Reserve:


  • Bristol – £248,080.35 for 6.7 IDVAs at Next Link and Victim Support + Additional IDVA Uplift £43,870.05
  • BANES  – £112,460.96 for three IDVAs at Southside and Julian House
  • South Gloucestershire  – £179,689.65 for five IDVAs at Next Link + Additional IDVA Uplift £43,870.05
  • North Somerset – £179,689.65  for five IDVAs at Next Link + Additional IDVA Uplift £43,870.05
  • Somerset – £115,759.35  for three IDVAs at You Trust
  • Avon and Somerset – £374,160.15  for eight ISVAs + additional uplift of £146,616.75 at Safe Link


2024/25 Safer Streets

2024-25 Safer Streets

  • Bath and North East Somerset Council £103,260.45. This is Home Office Funding.
  • Bristol City Council £133,500. This is Home Office Funding.
  • North Somerset Council £42,959.39 This is Home Office Funding.
  • Bystander Training – Night Time Economy Solutions contract delivery 1st April 2024 – 31st March 2025. £20,000 to pay in 2024-25. This is Home Office Funding.
  • Centrally Retained £55,280.16. This is Home Office Funding. Retained for contribution to staffing and communications costs.

Other co-commissioned services

Advice and Support at Custody and Court (ASCC) Service

Advice and Support at Custody and Court (ASCC) Service (AWP – NHS England is the lead commissioner): The service works with offenders who have mental health problems, learning disabilities or substance misuse issues. From the point of arrest, custody, to court and in the community. Advice and Support at Custody and Court Service, which provides assessment and referral for vulnerable individuals throughout the criminal justice system from police custody, voluntary attendees and courts. The service works with individuals who are vulnerable due to their mental health, learning disability or substance misuse issues and provides referrals onto relevant support agencies as well as providing expert input into court reports. The service operates across Avon and Somerset and includes delivery of the Drug Education Programme across the area. Contract value: The PCC contributes £581,092.05 p.a.

Mental Health

Mental Health Triage (AWP – BNSSG CCG is the lead commissioner): The service employs mental health professionals to work with the police control room. These professionals have access to the relevant health systems and offer advice and support to police officers and other emergency service staff. The OPCC and the Local Health Commissioning groups in Avon and Somerset and Avon Fire and Rescue Service jointly fund the service. The PCC contributes: £128,167.20 per year with the remaining funding contributions coming from BNSSG, BSW ICB, Somerset ICB and Avon Fire and Rescue Service.


Mental Health Treatment Requirement (MHTR) (NHSE): Contribution from the PCC £20,000.

Commissioner’s Community Prevention Fund

Commissioner’s Community Prevention Fund (Somerset Community Foundation): Preventing Victims Fund | OPCC for Avon and Somerset ( Annual grant of PCC funding £200,000.

Appropriate Adults Service

The Appropriate Adults Service (TAAS): Contract 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2026. PCC and partner funded. Total for 24/25 £121,229.55.

The service supports and safeguards the welfare and rights of vulnerable adults that are detained or being interviewed by the police.

To view the breakdown from previous years please see: Annual Reports | OPCC for Avon and Somerset (

Background documents

Documents include national guidelines and framework:

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