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Ministry of Justice funding 2022/23

The Government recently announced £147m of funding that will be committed to over a multi-year period until the end of 2024/25 for victim services.

The additional multi-year funding available nationally from 22/23 is:

Funding allocation Domestic Abuse (DA) & Sexual Violence (SV)£15.7m
Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) and Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) Fund for additional 100 posts recruited in 22/23£3.75m

This funding supports delivery of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Police and Crime Plan priorities, specifically:

  • Male violence against women and girls, specifically domestic abuse, sexual offences, stalking and harassment
  • Supporting victims of crime and Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s approach to this funding opportunity is outlined in the attachment below and bids are welcomed using the relevant template.

Guidance from the Ministry of Justice for this fund and the commissioning of services that support survivors from Black, Asian and minoritised communities is also available below.

Proposals should be completed using the template provided and sent by email to Carly Jones by Wednesday 27th April 2022. For further information or questions please contact Carly Jones, Commissioning and Policy Support Officer, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.          

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