Finance and expenditure
Avon and Somerset Police are required to publish contract data to ensure the force are delivering an open and transparent service.
View all senior management team's mileage and expenses claims from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC).
How we spend your money
We are as open as possible about how we spend your money.
Invoicing advice for suppliers
Information for suppliers about invoicing, our payment terms and how to contact us regarding finance queries.
Register of Gifts and Hospitality
The Register of Gifts and Hospitality provides details on gifts and hospitality offered to the PCC and OPCC.
Spend over £500
To be open and transparent, we publish any OPCC expenditure over £500.
Police Funding
The Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is responsible for setting the amount of money you contribute to local policing through your council tax bill (known as the ‘precept’).