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Draft Police and Crime Plan 2024 – 2029

The Police and Crime Plan is a legal document that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) must produce under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011.

One of the PCC’s legal duties is to issue a Police and Crime Plan for the force area.

PCC Clare Moody’s five police and crime priorities for 2024-2029 are:

  1. Strengthen neighbourhood policing
  2. Reduce violent crime
  3. Prevent crime
  4. Support victims
  5. Improve standards of policing

You can read about Avon and Somerset Police’s performance against the Police and Crime Plan.

Please see below additional information relating to the Police and Crime Plan

Roles and responsibilities

The Police and Crime Commissioner

As PCC I am democratically elected to act as the voice of the communities of Avon and Somerset. In addition to this there are a number of legal duties I have which are described below.

  • Securing an efficient and effective police service.
  • Setting the strategic direction for policing in Avon and Somerset.
  • Publishing a Police and Crime Plan, in consultation with the Chief Constable and local people.
  • Setting the budget for the police.
  • Setting the policing part of the council tax precept.
  • Holding the Chief Constable to account for delivering policing.
  • Appointing, and if necessary, dismissing the Chief Constable.
  • Supporting and challenging police performance.
  • Engaging with communities, including with victims.
  • Commissioning victim support services and awarding grants for wider work.
  • Working with partners in the areas of criminal justice and community safety.


The Chief Constable

The Chief Constable is operationally independent of my role and their key duties are described below:

  • Responsible for day-to-day operational policing.
  • Directs and controls the officers and staff of Avon and Somerset Police.
  • Maintains the King’s Peace.
  • Keeps the communities of Avon and Somerset safe.
  • Delivers the Police and Crime Plan.
  • Personally sets and promotes high standards of professional conduct.
  • Leads by example to create and uphold a quality service to local people.


The Police and Crime Panel

The Police and Crime Panel is a statutory consultee and will consider the draft plan on 5 November 2024.

The role of the Panel is to scrutinise, challenge and support the PCC in the effective exercise of my functions. The roles and responsibilities of the Police and Crime Panel are set out in the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The Panel is made up of 14 councillors from the five Local Authorities in the area, plus three independent members. It reflects the political representation in the area and has a geographical balance. The Panel scrutinises the work of the PCC by:

  • Reviewing the Police and Crime Plan and Annual Report.
  • Scrutinising (and potentially vetoing) the proposed council tax precept for policing.
  • Holding confirmation hearings for the PCC’s proposed appointments of a Chief Constable, Chief Executive, Chief Finance Officer (and Deputy PCC where applicable). The Panel may also veto the Chief Constable appointment.
  • Scrutinising the actions and decisions of the PCC.
  • Considering complaints against the PCC that are not criminal in nature.

Further information on the role and work of the Panel can be found at:



Police and crime issues frequently require action beyond just the police. Throughout this Plan you will see I am committed to working closely with partners who share statutory responsibilities, including criminal justice, local authorities, health, and education. The voluntary, community and social enterprise sector also provide important services to local people and I will work with these organisations as well. I will actively seek opportunities to align funding and jointly commission services to address local priorities, where it makes sense to do so.  Recognising that while some policing issues are applicable in all areas, I will ensure that the needs and challenges of specific communities are met and strategic priorities are aligned with partners.

The Avon and Somerset area
  • 4,800 square kilometres
  • 1.74 million residents which grew by 9% in 10 years between Censuses
  • 734,000 households
  • 23% of the population live in rural areas
  • 160,000 residents from Asian, Black, Mixed or Other ethnic minority backgrounds (9.2% of the population)
  • 5 local authorities
  • 5 Magistrates Courts and 2 Crown Courts
  • 4 prisons and a Secure Children’s Home
  • 7 NHS Trusts and 3 Integrated Care Boards
  • 2 Fire and Rescue Services
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