Independent Scrutiny of Police Powers Panel release quarterly report

The Independent Scrutiny of Police Powers Panel (ISOPPP) meet quarterly to scrutinise files and real-life footage of police officer’s using their powers, such as the use of Taser, Stop and Search and other use of force.
The meeting is attended by the panel members, representatives from Avon and Somerset Police, and representatives from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). After each meeting, the panel produces a report of their findings, which is submitted to the Police and Crime Commissioner Clare Moody for oversight, as well as to the police for a response.
You can read the panel’s specific questions for the police on some of the cases they reviewed, as well as Avon and Somerset Police’s responses in the latest quarterly report – December 2024
December’s report in numbers
- 52 cases of officers using their police powers (Stop and search/Use of force/Taser) reviewed
- 14 cases discussed at panel meeting
- 66% of all cases assessed as good practice
- 6% of cases caused concern and further review requested
- 28% cases assessed as adequate
The ISOPPP is made up of volunteers from diverse backgrounds across Avon and Somerset. They play an important role in monitoring how the police use their powers of force and stop and search. Find out more about the ISOPPP