Celebrating Outstanding Achievements in Policing

This week I attended the 2025 Outstanding Policing Awards which celebrates the commitment, bravery, and dedication of Avon and Somerset’s officers, staff, specials, and volunteers.
Every individual officer, volunteer, staff member or team recognised at the Outstanding Policing Awards went beyond what is expected – whether through remarkable courage, unwavering determination, or finding new ways to do things. They have pushed through challenges, even when others might have thought their goals were unachievable.
Few people outside of policing truly understand what it means to react when others might freeze, or to run towards danger when every instinct tells you to run the other way. For police officers, this is part of the work. But it is worth pausing to reflect on how extraordinary it is to override those fears, to step forward to protect others, often at great personal risk.
The actions of the nominees and winners have undoubtedly made a real and lasting difference in the lives of so many. It was a genuine privilege to celebrate their work and achievements.