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Questioning the Chief Constable following recent HMICFRS report

PCC Clare Moody held Police Question Time (PQT) last week (19th February 2025). The session focused on the recently released Avon and Somerset Police Efficiency, Effectiveness and Legitimacy (PEEL) report.

PEEL is the process of which His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) inspect, monitor and report on how effective and efficient a police service is, with the aim of encouraging improvement. It provides important additional evidence to support Clare in her scrutiny role and guide the focus of that scrutiny alongside the main oversight delivered through the Police and Crime Plan. 

Avon and Somerset Police were found to be Good – at preventing crime, police powers and public treatment.

However, the report highlighted that Avon and Somerset Police is only Adequate – at developing a positive workplace and that their service Requires improvement – in five areas including responding to the public; investigating crime; protecting vulnerable people; managing offenders and leadership and force management.

Clare asked Chief Constable Sarah Crew how she will use the report to improve the service?

Sarah Crew said:

“We take it really seriously and we have a really structured approach. It is vital intelligence of where we need to focus our attention in the limited resources that we do have.

“All of these areas where we need to improve are embedded into our performance frame work. They are regularly scheduled for focused discussion and scrutiny and oversight.

“It is not something we just pick up next time the inspectorates come, it is a focus continually.”

Clare then followed up with questions on two areas for improvement (AFIs), which she quoted. Both related to sexual offending. Clare asked Sarah Crew how the service got to these AFI’s and how they intend to address it.

Watch PQT via Youtube here, to hear more on what was discussed.

The next PQT is on the 25th March at 3pm. The theme will be on victims, if you would like to submit a question around policing and victims, please send it to: