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PCC welcomes government focus on policing and crime in Kings Speech

Clare stood up looking to camera, leaning on a wooden bannister and wearing a check shirt

Clare Moody, Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset, welcomed the priority the new Government is giving to policing and crime issues.

Clare said: “I welcome the new Government’s focus on neighbourhood policing and tackling key issues like serious violence and knife crime through prevention, which support my local priorities for my police and crime plan.”

“I’m also pleased to see the focus on tackling anti-social behaviour and retail crime such as shoplifting and assaults on shop workers, which are concerns I regularly hear about from local residents and business owners.”

PCC Clare has five priority areas outlined in her draft police and crime plan, which include:

  • Strengthening neighbourhood policing
  • Reducing violent crime
  • Preventing crime
  • Supporting victims of crime
  • Improving standards of policing

Next month, on August 12, the PCC will launch a public consultation on her draft plan and priorities, asking for views from local people and ideas on how the police and partners can deliver against those priorities.

More information will be shared on this in the coming weeks.