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PCC questions Chief Constable on homicide levels, knife crime and management of people in custody

PCC Clare Moody is sat in a chair opposite CC Sarah Crew - asking her a question in a studio background

Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Clare Moody held the first of a new monthly live stream series yesterday, ‘Police Question Time’ – to make sure the public can be part of the conversation on policing priorities and performance.

During the session, PCC Clare Moody questioned Chief Constable Sarah Crew on critical issues affecting the community, from rising homicide rates, to tackling knife crime and addressing recommendations from His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) report on custody management.

PCC Clare Moody said,

“When I was standing to be the PCC, one of the priorities for me was to be visible and to be accountable to the voters of Avon and Somerset.

“I felt that we needed to change the format of the public interviewing and questioning of the Chief Constable. I wanted to make it more accessible and inviting to the public so there was greater involvement. So that people wanted to watch it, got some information out of it and felt it was useful and engaging.

“I want the public to be part of the conversation on policing priorities and performance, and I hope to create a stronger connection between the police service and the communities they serve.”

How to watch

The first 30-minute Police Question Time session can be watched back on Facebook or LinkedIn.

The voice of the public

PCCs are elected to represent the community’s voice in policing, ensuring that the police service meets public needs and delivers the best possible service. These live sessions will make the process of holding the police to account transparent and accessible, bridging the gap between the community and their police service.

If you’ve got a question you would like to submit for consideration for a future PQT session, please email