Volunteers celebrated for supporting the PCC to hold the police to account

This Monday 3rd June was the start of Volunteers’ Week 2024 and the OPCC and its newly appointed Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Clare Moody are celebrating the important work volunteers do to scrutinise our police service, to make our communities safer.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has two panels made up of volunteers – one to analyse the way the police use their powers such as stop and search, and one to scrutinise the way complaints against the police are managed.
There are also 33 independent custody visitors (ICVs) who make regular visits to the three police custody suites, in Keynsham, Bridgwater and Patchway. During these visits, the volunteers observe the custody environment and talk to the detainees, recording detailed reports to make sure the rights and wellbeing of any detainees are upheld.
Police and Crime Commissioner Clare Moody said, “I would like to thank those who volunteer their expertise, as well as their time, to support my role in scrutinising Avon and Somerset Police and holding them to account.
“We have 68 volunteers, who bring their unique experiences to review and examine the way our police deliver their services.
“I’m grateful for the patience, balance, and community scrutiny they provide. Their dedication as independent voices, questioning police practices, and holding our police service to account is invaluable.
“Acting as the eyes and ears of the public, they scrutinise police actions from their own perspectives, keeping impartial and open-minded throughout.”
If anyone has questions about these volunteering positions they can email: opccvolunteering@avonandsomerset.police.uk