Police Question Time: Have Your Say!

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Avon and Somerset are launching Police Question Time (PQT), an initiative designed to increase transparency and public engagement in local policing.
Clare Moody, the Police and Crime Commissioner, will be asking questions about the performance of Avon and Somerset Police to Chief Constable Sarah Crew. The PQT will be live streamed on Facebook, and we are inviting people to pre-submit questions for the PCC to put to Chief Constable Sarah Crew.
The themes we are inviting questions on are:
o The recent increase in homicide numbers in the region
o Knife crime
o Police custody: HMICFRS report into custody suites in Avon and Somerset
You can submit questions via our social media channels or through emailing opccmedia@avonandsomerset.police.uk. The deadline for question submissions for the upcoming session is Sunday 30th June.
Please note we are unable to accept questions that are linked to ongoing investigations.
The first session of the PQT will take place on 17th July live on the Office of the PCC’s (OPCC) Facebook page.