Deputy PCC enjoys Bristol engagement day

Last Friday (15 July), Deputy PCC Claire Hiscott met with local people and partners in Bristol to find out more about their policing and crime concerns.
The Deputy PCC started her engagement day at the Barton Hill Activity Centre where she met with members of the local community who discussed a perceived lack of police visibility, diverse workforce and the importance of police engagement.
The community also shared their fears of engaging and reporting to the police due to historic experiences as well as concerns regarding child exploitation. Deputy PCC will share these concerns and thoughts with the PCC and Avon and Somerset Police.
Claire then visited The Greenhouse, a specialist support service for children, young people and their families who have experienced any form of sexual violence and abuse. The Greenhouse offers free, specialist therapy to help children and young people explore their feelings and experiences in a way that feels right for them as well as help improve their mental health, wellbeing and resilience.
The Deputy PCC and the team at The Greenhouse discussed the support they offer, increased demand and growing waiting lists for therapeutic services.
Finally, the Claire met with Victim Support, an independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime. Victim Support provides specialist support to victims to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.
Victim Support provides a free, confidential service to anyone affected by crime or anti-social behaviour including the families or friends of victims. Support is tailored to the specific needs of the individual and can take the form of information and advice, emotional and practical help, advocacy and help navigating the Criminal Justice System.
“It was a privilege to meet with local people and support services who help victims of crime. It is only by listening to residents and our partners that myself and PCC Mark Shelford can understand how we can work together to support our communities.”
Deputy PCC Claire Hiscott