PCC announces £200,000 extra funding to support local communities

PCC Sue Mountstevens is encouraging projects impacted by the demands of coronavirus to apply for extra funding from the Commissioner’s Community Action Fund (CCAF).
The PCC has allocated an additional £200,000 to support local charities, voluntary organisations and community groups to help deal with the consequences of coronavirus. Such initiatives across Avon and Somerset are urged to apply for grants of up to £5,000.
The CCAF will continue to be run in partnership with the Police Community Trust (PCT) and will welcome applications until 30 November 2020.
“I welcome applications and look forward to hearing about the innovative projects that local organisations provide for our community. By working together we can continue to make improvements and drive the change needed in helping communities of Avon and Somerset be safe and feel safe.”
PCC Sue Mountstevens
Since 2013, the CCAF has distributed £1,049,987 to local initiatives that support the Police and Crime Plan priorities and enable communities to come together to tackle issues in their local area.
In 2019, Somerset and Avon Rape and Sexual Abuse Support (SARSAS) received £2,975 to provide counselling sessions for women and girls who have been raped or sexually abused.
Claire Bloor, CEO at SARSAS, said: “We were able to use the funding to support women and girls that have experienced the devastating impact of rape and sexual abuse, providing them with trauma focussed counselling to help them recover and heal.
“This funding has allowed SARSAS to provide vital front line counselling to support those women and girls impacted by rape and sexual abuse. Demand for our services is at an all-time high so every penny of funding makes a huge difference to us and the victim-survivors we serve.
“The CCAF application process was straightforward, fast and absolutely worth it! Thank you to the CCAF for your support of local charities.”
Please note that the grant criteria and application process still applies. Applications should consider how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted their delivery and those that they support.
Apply to Commissioner’s Community Action Fund
Find out how to apply for extra funding to support your local projects.