PCC election statement

PCC Sue Mountstevens has issued a statement regarding the PCC elections:
“We are living in unusual and unsettling times with the outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic.
“Now is a time when we as individuals, communities, local public service organisations, third sector and businesses all need to pull together for the greater good of our wider public interest and protect the most vulnerable people in our society.
“In these very exceptional circumstances the Government today announced that all local elections, including those for the Police and Crime Commissioners, will be postponed for a year.
“I recently publicly declared that I would not be standing for re-election in May after serving two terms in office.
“My job as your PCC is to be the voice of local people in policing and hold the Constabulary to account to ensure the police are serving our communities effectively and efficiently.
“It is also my job to work together with the police and all our partners to deliver essential services to our communities.
“In these times of uncertainty, and the inevitable challenges our services will face in this extraordinary situation, ensuring as much continuity and stability for local people and the Constabulary will be more important than ever.
“So, in light of today’s developments, I would like to reassure people that I will of course stay on as the Police and Crime Commissioner for Avon and Somerset until elections are held.
“I urge everyone to take care of yourselves and each other in these difficult times.”