Violence Reduction Unit Evaluation and Impact Senior Lead
£41,517 – £46,962 depending on experience
One year fixed term contract or secondment. Secondments will be accepted with written support of the employer. Possibility of extension to contract.
Full time hours. Flexible working will be considered.
The Evaluation and Impact Senior Lead will be responsible for leading the strategic priority around evaluation and impact.
This role will be critical in Violence Reduction Unit’s (VRU) evidencing how their approaches and interventions are making a difference and tackling serious violence and its associated issues and vulnerabilities.
The role will include overseeing the design and development of approaches to evaluation and supporting partners to become evidence led and embedding a culture of evaluation in VRU delivery.
We want to ensure that what is being delivered to support and divert people from serious violence, is having a positive impact on individuals and our communities.
Purpose of the role
- This is a strategic role responsible for leading the VRU’s Strategic Priority around Impact and Evaluation;
- This includes overseeing the design and development of an evaluation strategy, and supporting the production of Home Office mandatory reports.
- Lead the way in the utilisation of evidence to inform the design and implementation of VRU approaches and interventions
- Support and upskill local partners in establishing their impact reporting systems and provide specialist assistance to improve their approaches to project and intervention evaluation, contributing to a culture of evidence led approaches across the A&S VRU landscape.
- To ensure that the voice of young people and community are at the heart of evaluation and understanding impact of the work being delivered.
- You will support on consistent data collection and impact monitoring of interventions and approaches delivered by Violence Reduction Units across A&S.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in this role, please complete the application form (PDF) by 12 noon 30 June.
- Role profile (DOC)
- Candidate timetable (DOC)
- Equality monitoring form (DOC)
- Privacy notice (DOC)
- Terms of appointment (DOC)
- VRUs in Avon and Somerset
- Home Office Serious Violence Strategy