Role of the OPCC
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) is run by a dedicated team who support the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC).
The team support:
- Strategic financial policy
- Performance, monitoring and scrutiny
- Governance and compliance
- Commissioning, grant funding and partnerships
- Communications and engagement
- Audit and general administrative duties.
The OPCC is led by a Chief Executive whose responsibility is to manage the staff and provide a monitoring role to ensure standards remain high.
The team also includes a Chief Finance Officer to advise the PCC on financial matters and the impact on any decisions regarding the budget, spending and commissioning.
The PCC and OPCC occupy a suite of offices (179 sq m) at Police Headquarters in Portishead.
Purpose, mission, vision and values
Our purpose
To lead improvement in efficiency and effectiveness of policing, victim support and criminal justice services on behalf of local people.
Our mission
- We listen
- We lead
- We challenge
- We innovate
- We improve
Our vision
Excellent victim support, accountable policing, and fairer criminal justice services for all.
Our values

We will always be transparent and open about the work we do, our services and how we support our communities.

We will work with the police and key partners to provide better services to local people.

We will continue to take a compassionate approach to commission the most effective support services for victims and survivors.

We are the voice of local people in policing and we will always share concerns, issues and feedback to the police and partners.
The seven principles of public life
The team support the PCC by applying the ‘seven principles of public life’. These principles were set out by Lord Nolan in 1995 and apply to anyone who works as a public-office holder.
The seven principles are:
- Accountability
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Objectivity
- Selflessness
- Openness
- Leadership
Find out more about the seven principles of public life on the GOV.UK website.
Staff structure and salaries
There are 28.54 full-time equivalent (FTE) members of staff in the OPCC.
The ratio between the highest paid salary and the median average salary of the whole of the OPCC is 2.7 times.
Equality and Diversity breakdown is as follows:
- The proportion of staff who are women – 80%
- The proportion of staff who are Black, Asian, mixed and minoritised communities – 5%
- The proportion of staff with a disability (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) – 0%
The PCC has a Staff Officer, an Avon and Somerset Police officer working within the OPCC.
Previous OPCC staff structures
Questions about the OPCC
Contact us if you have any questions about the OPCC.